Texting is killing language – John Mc Whorther

One thing that we see is that texting is not writing at all. People talk is what we are probably genetically specified for and that how we use language more. Writing is something that came along much later. Writing only came along at about 11.07 pm, that how much of a latterly thing writing is. Writing has certainly advantages. When you write because of a conscious process, you can do thing with language that are much less likely if you just talking. Casual speech is something quiet different. That base on linguist shown when we are speaking casually in an unmonifored way. We tend to speak in word packets of maybe seven to 10 words. Speech is much looser, it is much more telegraphic, it is much less reflective, very different from writing. We must write like we speak. Texting is fingered speech, now we can write the way we talk. The people want to see the new kind of language. LOL is not just laughing out loud any more because if it envolved into something that is much subtler. There too much different between writing in the present and in the past.


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