My family condition

Hello.. today i will tell to you about my story in the past. About my condition in the past. So. When i was child i am not a rich person, my father and my mother doesn't have permanent work, my father was a fishing man and didn't have permanent work, and my mother was honorer at IAIN Ar-Raniry before it becomes UIN Ar-raniry. Beside that my mother was seller, she selled many clothes. At that time my mother take a clothes at one shop then she selled again to the others. My family doesn't have enough many to bought secunder need. Because for sufficient the primer thing was less. We lived in my grandmother's home. Our villagers always insult and underestimate my family, they always insult my father first. And when they insult us, i always angry and cry. But my father didn't told anything. He just keep silent and patient. Then my family from my mother also wanted to drived out us. They jealousy because my mother who has two children and still alive at her mother's house. They always blame us, especially my father. But my father never show me how hurt he is. In front of me, he always a good father, before i was slept, me and my father will played the plane. I always suprised and happy, then also i saw a happines in my father's face. Every night before i am sleep, he always played that plane. Maybe for the others, plane was cheap. But for me its very expensive and my father try to make me happy even he didn't have enough many. After that, i still remember when i was at kindegarten, my eraser was rubber. My father said if to buy eraser is difficult, because we doesn't have money.  Thus, just used a rubber as a eraser. How difficult me and my family's condition at that time. Then my parents still patient and try to hard effort to reach success. Then now alhamdulillah my parents can to sufficient our need. Even though there are so many people more sufficient anything than us. But we grateful for what Allah give for us. My father always commemorate me and 3 brother to always remember our difficult condition. In order we are not arrogant. 


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