my story

Hay guys,, today would like to tell you about the first time i sang in front of many people. Thus, it happened when i was in senior high school at MAN RUKOH, i was at grade 2 at that time. Thus, on April, my school made a farewell party for the student in the grade 3 because of their graduation. Then 3 days before farewell party, i list my name to the OSIS to followed the party. Then at that time i felt confused. Did i have to join or not? Then my friends support me in order i join with that party. As long as 3 days, i also prepared myself, the song that i wanted to sang, and also i tried to remembered the lyric. After that, i ask my friend to prepared my song because i couldn’t do anything by myself. Then when the day that i must performance. I got big nervous, because that my first time for me perform my song in front of many people. Then, my friends and also my teacher gave me a support. My teacher also gave me a beautiful free make up because she wanted to see me and she really support me. After the host call my name, i tried to throw my nervouse, then i take a deep breathe, i went to the stage for my performance, the song was started, and i just sit and singing with my heart. Heehe. Then when i was at the end of the song, my teacher and my friends asked me to stand and don’t sit. But i still nervous and my body like a robot, i can’t to stand and do anything, i just sing and sing. Finally when the music almost end, i stand and slowly doesn’t nervous anymore. When descend from stage, my friends and my teacher said that, Nanda you have a good voice but its more better if you stand than sit. Because the power of your voice will be appear. But when you sit there, you voice is not good because your stomach that make me not really good. After that, i got a good lesson from that, i must throw my nervous and make myself more easier.


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